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"Everything we do comes from the heart, and has done for generations."

From the choice of the finest raw materials to attention to detail, from our work ethic in every stage of the process to respect for people and the environment: everything we do is done with dedication and love. Only those who put their hearts into their work, who are driven by passion, can produce the finest fruits generation after generation, fruits which arouse emotions in those who pick them.


"Aim high but never forget where you come from."

Every branch needs a trunk to support it to reach the sky. So, when we source our finest wood and transform the trunks we have selected for processing, drying and ageing, when we study the best solutions for different environments and perfect our finishing details, we never forget that at the heart of everything we do is the knowledge and experience that is handed down from one generation of craftsmen of luxury objects to the next.


"Every minute, every day, every year: time has made us stronger."

Knowledge passed down from father to son, master cabinet makers who can recognise the best wood by its smell, technicians with strong yet gentle hands, engravers who add finishing details with care and precision, experts who skilfully interpret tastes and hopes: we are all these people who, for generations, have made this business grow, a business that is synonymous with quality, style and elegance.


"Poets, painters, sculptors, architects, craftsmen: in a word, Tuscans."

Our family and its traditions are deeply rooted in our land. Our love of Tuscany is reflected in some of the features of our products, making us unique in the world. We are passionate about what we do, we preserve our traditions so we never forget who we are, our eyes are drawn to beauty, we are constantly exploring new avenues, pushing ourselves to improve. We are Tuscans.

Donati Legnami SpA

Via Maestri del Lavoro, 8 - Zona Ind.le Santa Fiora - 52037 Sansepolcro (AR) Italy
Tel.: +39 0575 749847 - Fax: +39 0575 749849 - Email:
P.Iva: 00150720514 - R.E.A.: AR 56505 - Capitale Sociale versato: € 520.000,00


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